El Salvador's Obama?
The popular reception of the presidential candidacy of Mauricio Funes in El Salvador is quite unique in recent history, and might be considered analogous to the rock-star status of Barack Obama. Not to mention that the potential pro-government ARENA candidates seem to be dropping out right and left.
go Maurico Funes!!! We want change!!! let's give FMLN a chance!
salvadoran barack obama my ass. in order to funes to be barack o salvadoran barack , he must to be mestiso or indian , otherwise he just another outsider to rule our people.
Funes is not even salvadoran, he is just another arab to want to rule us
YOu guys are so stupid, just plain idiots!
C'mon people, it's not about what blodd he's got in him, it's about what he wants for el pueblo. He has fresh ideas, he wants change just like we all do. I mean, let's face it, we can vote for another puppet like Saca and guess what, the poor will get worst, the rich will get WAY RICHER and the gap between the 2 will be bigger. WE DONT WANT THAT
how can this guy be El SALVADORS Obama. If Funes wins he will set back the country back to the civil war times it will turn into another Nicaragua.
Most people who are willing to vote for FMLN ignore what happend to the country because of FLMN back in the 80's and early 90's or thay are people who didnt live through the country's civil war most of the people I've met that are for FLMN are young people who believe in everything that is said , but dont know tyhe problems that party has caused in the past. Up until a month about I didn't know what had caused the civil war 20 years ago , i asked a couple of family member's that actually lived through the war and they told me how everything had happend. People were taken by force to fight in the guerilla and if anyone refused they were killed on the spot.
This isn't stuff thats tought in schools in el Salvador i guess because it would be considered some type of political attack. Because if people were actually thought what happend back then FLMN wouldn't be a big party.
I'm not saying that ARENA Should win , but i believe that any other party then the comunist party would be better.
It's true that the countries isnt in its best economic state but i would rather be poor and have my freedom then be and be on a leash 24/7.
If you are familiar with the comunist ideas they are really good ones but the problem is that coruption will always exist and abuse of power i always a big issue with the comunist leaders as it with any one else in power but at least with other parties most decision have to be made with approvals of other people in power
This is for the person who wrote the last comment! God bless you!! You can think and make sense of reality no like the other IDIOTS believing in the Communinst change!
Screw Funes! Viva Ronald Reagan! Soy Centroamericano/mestizo y orgulloso!
AMEN to the 10:45 comment! FMLN isnt the way to go, even if it already won office
el pueblo unido hamas sera vensido! funes funes funes! ooh oh mauricio ya gano! que viva funes!
nesesitamos cambio, queremos cambio,y no mas de lo mismo, que viva funes!
vanity and greed have fueled this world for to long,what about the forgotten people in this battered and beaten country(el salv)the poor and the hopless,? no thinks about them. they are looked over,and looke down apon.the rich have already realized their dream. what about the dreams of others.what about the hopes of the people whos lives have been torn apart because of war that they didnt start.the rich only worry about staying rich while the poor man worrys about were the next meal is coming from, or hows his sick child is going to get medical attention, in a place were even the soldiers in the millitary make only 150.00 a month. minus meals. if the government doesnt care about the people who defend it, just imagine what they think of their citizens. 6.5million population and 47% lives in poverty. they need change we need change not more of the same.because the same means more suffering and the death of innocent people. all that so a few prevalent familys can stay rich.
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